Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Stunning Green Onyx Gemstone

There are several tales about Green onyx gemstone, some call it a mysterious stone and some call it magical. It is said that onyx tale begins with Greek god Eros who snipped his fingernails which fell on the earth but the other Gods turned it into onyx gemstone. Onyx looks stunning in necklaces, bracelets and pendants as it is very smooth and waxy. It looks fabulous when dyed green but is available in many other colors as well like white, brown and black. Its extraordinary properties make it different from all other gemstones making it stand proudly in the list of top gemstones.

Green Onyx Gemstone

Properties of green onyx gemstone:

·         Onyx makes you the king of your fate by keeping all the negativity away from you. It serves as the best gemstone to protect you from negative energies and it brings positive energies.

·         Green onyx absorbs all the troublesome emotions and in turn gives you peace of mind. It enhances your self esteem and determination.

·         Not only it departs negativity from you but it also helps you to change your thoughts which were bothering you from a long time. If you have any problems in your relationships it heals them and makes it all well.

·         Out of many therapies applied to cure depression there is also gemstone therapy and Green onyx helping you ease your tensions and takes away all the disputes of your life.

·         Apart from healing you mentally Green onyx gemstone helps you to cure diseases related to your feet, bones, teeth and hair.

·         Although onyx are dyed to make them look beautiful but whatever the color is, it is beneficial for your mental as well as physical health.

Green onyx is found in India, Brazil and California and is a member of chalcedony family. It has been said that Green onyx gemstone is a protector against black magic.


  1. Nice article and great knowledge. I love this story and enjoy with your words!
    Green Onyx

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